27 Novembre 2014
MEG 2014

VDP ha partecipato al MEDITERRANEAN ENGINEERING GROUP 2014, Conferenza Internazionale organizzata da ICE Agenzia e OICE nei giorni 27-28 Novembre 2014 a Roma.
La Conferenza ha rappresentato un importante momento di confronto tra le società di ingegneria che operano nell’area del Mediterraneo. Sono stati affronVDP took part at MEDITERRANEAN ENGINEERING GROUP 2014, the International Conference organized by Italian Foreign Trade Agency and OICE on 27th-28th November 2014 in Rome.
The Conference was an important opportunity for dialogue between the engineering companies operating in the Mediterranean area. Latest developments on the issues of Infrastructure, Environment and Energy and Smart-Cities have been addressed.
Mr. Francesco Ventura took part in the Second Working Session illustrating one of the last works of VDP in a speech entitled “Increase exchange of electrical energy between countries in a sustainable way: the challenge of the Malta-Sicily Inter-connector”.tati gli ultimi sviluppi sui temi delle Infrastrutture, Ambiente ed Energia e Smart-Cities.
L’Ing. Francesco Ventura ha preso parte alla seconda Working Session illustrando uno degli ultimi lavori di VDP con un intervento dal titolo “Increase exchange of electrical energy between countries in a sustainable way: the challenge of the Malta-Sicily Inter-connector”.