News / Archive 2018

  • 10 Octobre 2018

    New project in Malta - Malta Italy Gas Pipeline Interconnection
    New project in Malta - Malta Italy Gas Pipeline Interconnection

    VDP took part at the Kick off meeting with Government Energy and Water Agency after the awarding of the tender for Permitting Activities including Environmental Impact Studies for the Malta Italy Gas Pipeline Interconnection. VDP will work in partnership with AIS Environment and CESI.

  • 10 September 2018

    VDP exhibitor at RemTech fair in Ferrara
    VDP exhibitor at RemTech fair in Ferrara

    VDP joined as exhibitor at RemTech fair in Ferrara from 19th to 21st September - Hall 4, stand 130 - OICE Area.

    Furthermore, on September 19th at 9.30am, VDP participated, with Mr. Ventura and Ms. Occhi as speakers, at the OICE National Conference “FOCUS on PROCUREMENT CODE AND ENVIRONMENT”. At this link the programme of the Conference in Italian.

  • 25 May 2018

    Convegno OICE sulla nuova direttiva VIA 104/2017
    Convegno OICE sulla nuova direttiva VIA 104/2017

    Si è tenuto mercoledì 16 maggio, presso il Centro Congressi Cavour a Roma, il Convegno OICE sulla nuova direttiva VIA 104/2017, organizzato in qualità di coordinatore scientifico e Consigliere OICE con delega all’Ambiente dall’Ing. Francesco Ventura di VDP.

    Scopo dichiarato dell’incontro, moderato dal dott. Cianciullo di “la Repubblica”, è stato quello di fare un primo bilancio, a quasi un anno dall’entrata in vigore del Decreto Legislativo 104/2017 che ha recepito la nuova Direttiva VIA, delle novità e dei cambiamenti sopravvenuti nelle procedure e negli studi di impatto ambientale.

    Il convegno è stato aperto dagli interventi del Presidente dell’OICE ing. Scicolone, del Consigliere con delega per l’Ambiente ing. Ventura e dell’arch. Pieri della Direzione Generale per le Valutazioni Ambientali del Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare.

    A seguire si sono tenute due sessioni durante le quali sono intervenute rispettivamente le stazioni appaltanti/ proponenti di opere ed alcune società di progettazione dell’OICE.

    La prima sessione ha visto i contributi dell’arch. Magarò di Anas, della dott.ssa Ercolani e dell’arch. Dajelli di Italferr, della dott.ssa Rivabene e dell’ing. Marchegiani di Terna e della dott.ssa Bunone e dell’arch. Rossi di Sogin.

    In seguito alcune società di ingegneria OICE, tra cui VDP rappresentata dall’Arch. Sonia Occhi, hanno presentato casi di studio mettendo in evidenza i punti di forza e debolezza del nuovo decreto.

    Il Convegno ha rappresentato il secondo appuntamento su tale tematica che avrà un ulteriore momento di approfondimento nell’evento che si terrà a Ferrara il 19 settembre nell’ambito di REMTECH 2018

  • 27 April 2018

    UNI EN ISO 14001:2015
    UNI EN ISO 14001:2015

    VDP has updated, among the first Engineering Companies in Italy, its certification for the Environmental Management System to the “new” international standard UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 with KIWA-CERMET.

  • 21 March 2018

    New Awards for VDP office
    New Awards for VDP office

    International Magazine Frame’s upcoming publication “THE OTHER OFFICE THREE” on workplace design, highlights inspirational interiors that are setting the trends in creative workplace design, features VDP engineering office. 

    In recent months, the project of VDP new headquarters has received a number of International Awards:

    Shortlisted in the Interiors Category for THE PLAN AWARDS 2017

    Silver Winner at A’DESIGN AWARDS 2017 

    Winner at IF DESIGN AWARD a world-renowned design prize. The winning project VDP office won in the interior discipline, in the Office category. Each year, Germany’s oldest independent design organization, Hannover-based IF international forum design gmbh, organizes the IF DESIGN AWARD.
    VDP office won over the 58-member jury, made up of independent experts from all over the world. The competition was intense: over 5,500 entries were submitted from 59 countries in hopes of receiving the seal of quality.

    Finalist in the Office category at the INSIDE FESTIVAL OF INTERIORS AWARDS 2016. Inside is the sister festival of the WORLD ARCHITECTURE FESTIVAL (WAF) held at the Arena Berlin, Germany on the 16th – 18th November 2016.

  • 26 February 2018

    VDP to Italian Business Mission in Albania
    VDP to Italian Business Mission in Albania

    VDP last 19th and 20th February VDP took part to the Italian Business Mission in Albania in Tirana, together with the OICE delegation.

    The delegation was led by the Deputy-Minister of Economic Development Ivan Scalfarotto, and was attended, among others, by the President of Confindustria Vincenzo Boccia, the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, the Italian Ambassador to Albania Alberto Cutillo.

    During the Mission, a number of B2B meetings have been attended with counterparts from Albania, Kossovo and Macedonia in the infrastructure and environment sectors.