News / Archive 2019

  • 25 Octobre 2019

    VDP sponsor of the event "Rome on the move"
    VDP sponsor of the event

    VDP sponsored the presentation of the book “Rome on the move: piers to connect disconnected territories” by Prof. Lucina Caravaggi and Orazio Carpenzano (Department of Architecture and Design of University of Roma La Sapienza). The presentation has been attended, among others, by Sen. Francesco Rutelli, Sen. Walter Tocci, the Councilor for Urban Planning of the Municipality of Rome Luca Montuori, Eng. Sara Venturoni Director of Stations for Italian Railway Company.

    The meeting represented an interesting moment for sharing views on the theme of mobility in Rome nowadays and over the last 25 years, looking at new ideas and strategies for integrating urban spaces.

  • 04 Octobre 2019

    VDP exhibitor at REMTECH 2019
    VDP exhibitor at REMTECH 2019

    Also in 2019, great commitment by VDP at RemTech, permanent international event specializing in remediation, environmental and natural risks, land regeneration, climate change and circular chemistry, which took place this year from 18 to 20 September in Ferrara.

    VDP participated as exhibitor within the “OICE Island” and intervened in two interesting moments of discussion.
    The first, “Environmental sustainability and procurement rules” coordinated by Eng. Ventura, OICE board member with responsibility for the environment, and with the speech of Arch. Sonia Occhi, PM in VDP.
    The second “Smart Ports National Conference” with the sppech of Arch. SIlvia Martorana, PM in VDP and member of the Environment Working Group at OICE. 

  • 10 July 2019

    Georgia-Italy Business Forum
    Georgia-Italy Business Forum

    VDP took part in the Georgia-Italy Business Forum organized in Tbilisi last July 4th by Agenzia ITA, OICE, ANCE.

    The Forum has been an important opportunity of dialogue with leading Georgian representatives including the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Economy and Executives of Public Bodies and Municipalities.

    There have been also meetings with representatives of the main IFIs operating in the country and B2B with local companies, to strengthen relationship for the numerous opportunities offered by the dynamic infrastructural development of the country.

    Mr. Ventura participated as OICE Chief of Delegation, also signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Georgian Association of Engineers.

    As part of a work table dedicated to infrastructures, VDP presented the Report developed by the working group OICE on Smart Cities in front of an audience of Italian and Georgian companies and Representatives of the Institutions of the Country.

  • 09 May 2019

    VDP in the “Sustainability Map”
    VDP in the “Sustainability Map”

    VDP has been included in the “Sustainability Map”: the first screenshot of responsible companies in Italy. The initiative, conceived by the CSRnatives network and coordinated by Koinètica, highlight the companies that have started a path of sustainability in the different Italian regions.
    To be included in the Map, which includes about 400 Italian companies, a minimum number of indicators and performances in the areas of “Business Ethics and Governance”, “Environment”, “People” has to be fulfilled.
    The Map, together with in-depth information on the Project, can be consulted at the following link:


  • 21 February 2019

    Meeting at Italian Embassy to the Holy See
    Meeting at Italian Embassy to the Holy See

    Mr. Francesco Ventura at the Italian Embassy to the Holy See on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the signing of the Lateran Pacts.

  • 12 February 2019

    VDP in Israel
    VDP in Israel

    VDP took part at OICE business mission in Tel Aviv-Israel. “Building together Italy&Israel”, to enhance business relationship and open to new market and opportunities.

  • 07 January 2019

    VDP in Belgrade for the event "Building together. Italy&Serbia"
    VDP in Belgrade for the event

    VDP took part at the event “Building together. Italy&Serbia.” on 4th and 5th 2018 December in Belgrade. 2 days of meetings, panels by Government and IFIs representatives, B2B with new potential partners in the sector of Transport infrastructures, Environment and Energy.