News / Archive 2021

  • 14 December 2021

    Award for the design of new tram lines - Roma Servizi per la Mobilità
    Award for the design of new tram lines - Roma Servizi per la Mobilità

    As for 30 years in this part operating in the sector of Trams, we received the person in charge for the design of technical economic feasibility (PFTE) of the two largest lots of the tender called by Rome Mobility Services: the Lot 4 consists of the Line H Anagnina-Torre Angela and from Linea G from Policlinico di Tor Vergata to Banca d’Italia and Lotto 5 of the Marconi-Appia Antica-Subaugusta tramway; In join venture with the SYSTRA-SOTECNI, SYSTRA SA, ARCHITECNA ENGINEERING S.r.l., GO-Mobility and POLEIS soc. coop.

    In both LOTs VDP will deal with environmental aspects in all the various design phases.

  • 06 December 2021

    CONNEXT 2021 Milan- 2-3 dicember
    CONNEXT 2021 Milan- 2-3 dicember

    Francesco Ventura, Coordinator of the OICE Working Group on Smart Cities and Simona Nebbioso, VDP Proposal Manager, will take part at the National meeting of industrial partnership of Confindustria which will be held on December 2-3 at MiCo Milano Convention Centre – Milan. A unique opportunity for comparison between companies, economic partners and Public Administration.

    Together participated as speakers at the SMART CITIES: Investing in the future program in digitally way on the afternoon of 2 December, “Business Operators’ Role in Boosting Economic Recovery in the Mediterranean”.

    Click the link below to see the program:

  • 15 Octobre 2021


    VDP, together with INC in Turin, won the 188 million ANAS tender for “La variante di Ancona” on the Adriatica main road. The Company (INC) indicated VDP for environmental monitoring activities. The works concern the extension of the state road 16 “Adriatica”: a work waited for about twenty years that will make it easier to reach the regional hospital of Torrette and the city of Ancona, coming from the north coast of Marche. The duration of the work provided for in the tender notice is approximately 3 years.

    For more details on the link below the article:

    Anas, la Inc di Torino conquista la variante di Ancona da 188 milioni sulla statale 16 | NT+ Enti Locali & Edilizia (

  • 06 Octobre 2021

    VDP selected in the OPEN HOUSE ROMA 2021 program - #OHR21
    VDP selected in the OPEN HOUSE ROMA 2021 program - #OHR21

    Also this year our headquarters VDP was included in the program Open House Rome and we welcomed several visitors last October 2 on the day of opening to the public.

    In recent years the project of our headquarters has received numerous international awards:

    - Shortlist in the category Interior in THE PLAN AWARDS 2017
    - Silver Winner at A’DESIGN AWARDS 2017
    - Winner in the Interior category of the IF DESIGN AWARD

    We look forward to see you next year!

  • 07 June 2021


    VDP participated as exhibitor at the DUBAI AIRPORT SHOW, the largest airport event, which was held on May 24 and 26 at the DUBAI trade center. VDP was present with a dedicated stand for networks, brochures and b2b meetings together with other Italian engineering companies. In addition, the Arch. Simona Nebbioso, as speaker, proposal manager of VDP, as speaker, join in the Panel “Innovation Strategy for a New Airport Experience” led by moderator Sunil Malhotra. During the GALF (Global Airport Leaders Forum) conference, the Arch. Simona Nebbioso, presented a report on the importance of sustainability, integrations on modes of transport and technologies in the airport.

    We thank again ITA (Italian Trade Agency), OICE and S.E. Nicola Lener, Italian Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates for this great network opportunity.

    We also thank the other engineering companies present at the stand ITALY: 3TI PROGETTI S.p.A., Artelia Italia, ADR Ingegneria S.p.A., F&M Ingegneria Spa, INTEGRA AES Srl, RINA Consulting, SEINGIM, Technital S.p.A., Youandtech.

  • 17 March 2021

    VDP partner of Master "Esperto Gestione dell'Ambiente"
    VDP partner of Master

    The next 22 April will officially start the Master “Esperto Gestione dell’Ambiente” organized by the Environmental Forensic Chamber in collaboration with Remtech Expo. The Eng. Francesco Ventura will be part of the Scientific Committee together with other experts including Prof. Amedeo Postiglione (President Foundation of European Judges for the Environment), Giuseppe Vadalà (Extraordinary Commissioner of Government for the Reclamation of Landfills
    Abusive), Marco Mari (President Green Building Council Italy), Avv. Cinzia Pasquale, Dott.ssa Silvia Paparella.

    The Master is presented as a training course that constitutes a real opportunity for professional growth and a concrete job opportunity.

    Registration is open until 18 April. The program and the registration methods can be downloaded at the following link: