News / Archive 2022

  • 28 November 2022


    On 26 November the new M4 line of the City of Milan was opened to the public with the first 6 stops from Linate airport to Dateo station.

    Our CEO, Francesco Ventura, attended the inauguration representing the VDP that has contributed to this great work by performing some studies and investigations on vibrations and noise generated by the new “driverless” trains that will run the Blue Line.

    The importance of this engineering project is essential for the development of the Lombard capital and for the strengthening of its position in Europe.

    The event was attended by, among others, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini, the President of the Lombardy Region Attilio Fontana, the Mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala, the President of ENAC Pierluigi Di Palma and the CEO of Webuild Pietro Salini.

  • 14 November 2022

    The environmental sustainability of the works - ECOMONDO 2022
    The environmental sustainability of the works -  ECOMONDO 2022

    L’ Eng. Francesco Ventura, CEO of VDP Srl, as OICE Councillor with responsibility for the Environment, took part on 11 November, as speaker, in “The Environmental Sustainability of the works: evaluation processes” conference at the Ecomondo Event in Rimini with a report on “The environmental sustainability of projects”.

    The reports were presented by speakers from the main institutions, the contracting authorities (Terna and Sogin) and designers.

    Below the program:

    Were present among others: Gianluigi Nocco, Director General Environmental Assessments, Massimiliano Atelli, President Commissions CTVA VIA/VAS and PNIEC- PNRR, Ministry of Ecological Transition, Andrea Ferrante, Special Committee - Superior Council of Public Works, Paola Brambilla, CTVA VIA/VAS VIA Subcommittee Coordinator, Anna Cacciuni, VIA Section Manager, ISPRA, Fulvio Bonavitacola, IMGT Commission Coordinator Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces - VP Reg. Campania.
    In his contribution Ventura has tried to highlight the role of designers, who are called to request, in the proposers, a responsibility towards the effects determined by the works they create, introducing, with increasing force, the concept of “compensation” of residual effects.

  • 03 Octobre 2022

    VDP took part in Remtech Expo 2022
    VDP took part in Remtech Expo 2022

    Also this year VDP participated as an exhibitor at Remtech Expo 2022: the only permanent international event specializing in the protection and sustainable development of the territory, remediation of contaminated sites, coasts and ports, hydrogeological instability, climate change, seismic risk, urban regeneration and sustainable chemical industry, which took place in Ferrara from 21 to 23 September.

    Excellent outcome of the OICE conference entitled “Transizione Ecologica e PNRR - Riflessioni sull’attuazione e sulle prospettive di sviluppo”, coordinated by Eng. Francesco Ventura OICE Councillor with responsibility for the Environment and Eng. Giorgio Lupoi President of OICE.

    Prof. Massimiliano Atelli, President of the Technical Commission VIA-VAS and of the Commission PNRR-PNIEC near the Mite, Dr. Davide Ciferri, Head of Task Force PNRR at MIMS. In addition, we mention, for their contribution, also the contracting stations that participated with Eng. Francesco Misuraca, Head of Environmental Technical & Site Activities of ENI REWIND, Eng. Enrico Fusco, Head of Engineering Services and Environmental Restoration Project and R. U. Bagnoli INVITALIA, Dr. Carolina Ercolani, Responsible SO Environment Technical Direction of ITALFERR, Arch. Antonello Martino, Head of Engineering and Investment - Station Management RFI and finally Dr. Nicoletta Rivabene, Head of Environmental Policy and Design of TERNA.

    Finally, among the designers we must mention Eng. Alessandro Zenti of VDP, who, together with other colleagues, has provided a very comprehensive overview of the many issues arising from the implementation of the new framework that forms the framework for the activation of the interventions of the Next Generation EU and in particular on the environmental sustainability report and the new criterion of DNSH “Do no significant harm”

  • 30 August 2022

    VDP participates in JV, winning the TD for the historical redevelopment of the RAI headquarters.
    VDP participates in JV, winning the TD for the historical redevelopment of the RAI headquarters.

    VDP is proud to participate in the RTP composed by: ACPV ARCHITECTS Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel, DBA PRO, GSE and FACES awarded the tender for the restyling of the historic Rai headquarters in Viale Mazzini 14, Rome. An important intervention of architectural redevelopment, in the name of ecology, sustainability and biophilia: new spaces will be provided, more comfort for people, innovative technologies and design.

  • 10 June 2022

    CV AT LUNCH - Università degli Studi Roma Tre
    CV AT LUNCH - Università degli Studi Roma Tre

    Last June 7th we participated in the CV AT LUNCH event organized by the Department of Engineering of the University of Roma Tre to encourage the meeting between companies, undergraduates and recent graduates.
    We are really excited to have had the chance to tell the story of our society and share our experiences with students.
    We strongly believe in the abilities of the new generations.


  • 01 June 2022

    Workshop on PNRR - Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Roma
    Workshop on PNRR - Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Roma

    On 31 May Eng. Francesco Ventura, CEO of VDP srl, and Eng. Roberto Coronato, PM of VDP srl, attended the seminar of the Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome on the theme ” PNRR and national funding for mobility infrastructure in the metropolitan area of Rome ” with a report on the principle of DNSH (Do No Significant Harm).

    The event was also attended by representatives of MIMS (Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility), Roma Capitale, Invitalia, Roma Servizi per la Mobilita and Roma Metropolitane

    The goal that VDP srl wants to achieve, through the experience gained in environmental engineering projects and works, is to make a contribution to improving the state of the environment and protecting environmental resources, according to the logic of sustainability and environmental balance in line with International standards.

  • 23 May 2022

    VDP at ALL-Energy Exhibition and Conference in Glasgow
    VDP at ALL-Energy Exhibition and Conference in Glasgow

    This year VDP, with its stand in the Italian Pavilion organized by OICE and ITA - Italian Trade Agency with the support of the Farnesina along with other Italian Engineering Companies, participated in ALL-Energy Exhibition and Conference in Glasgow.
    L’Eng. Francesco Ventura, CEO of VDP, sat as speaker at the Round Table “Italian Solutions for decarbonized energy plants” presenting the company’s experiences in this innovative sector.

  • 21 March 2022


    Even this year we obtain, after the annual verify of KIWA CERMET, the renewed of ISO 14001:2015, relative to the System of Environmental Management.
    This certification goes with the other ISO in our possession, already renewed: ISO 9001:2015 relative to the quality, ISO 45001:2018 relative to the security on work and ISO 37001:2016 on the anti-corruption.

  • 08 March 2022

    VDP sponsors and supports the webinar of the 5th edition. OICE Race Report BIM 2021
    VDP sponsors and supports the webinar of the 5th edition. OICE Race Report BIM 2021

    VDP has been pleased to sponsor and support the interesting webinar that was held on February 24th through the presentation of the 5th OICE Report on BIM 2021 Tender and digitalization, introduced and moderated by OICE President Gabriele Scicolone.
    During the event, the growth in the years that BIM has had in the TD documents was highlighted.
    Surely in the future there will be more steps ahead to demonstrate how engineering and organized architecture are able to invest in innovation and digitalization.

    Follow the link to download the program