Services / Environmental Studies and Permitting

Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental report

The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), introduced in the European Union by Directive 42/2001/CE, was transposed into Italian legislation by D.Lgs. 152/2006 and subsequent modifications and additions. At regional level specific provisions are present.

The Directive considers the Environmental Assessment an important tool for the integration of environmental considerations during the preparation and the adoption of plans and programs which may have significant effects on the environment in the Member States, as it ensures that the consequences of such projects are taken into account.

Therefore SEA procedures aim to certify, since the early stages of the decision-making, the planning and programming of scheduled works with actions regarding environmental, social and economic themes.

In the international context, SEA studies are expressly regulated in several countries and are considered essential processes in the definition of plans and programs from major funding organizations (World Bank, EBRD, etc.). Such organizations often require Strategic Environmental Assessments to respect precise standards and formats.

Over the years VDP has developed an important and deep expertise regarding SEA procedures, adopting a methodological vision which enables the project progression to take place in close collaboration with the authorities and the editors of the program. In this way a complete sharing of choices is obtained and important consideration of environmental issues is assured.

Objectives of the work

Objective of VDP is to support the Proponent with an integrated and synergic evaluation activity, which follows the different stages of planning / programming, in accordance with the provision of Law.
VDP supports and assists the Proponent during all procedural steps required by Law, in connection with the Competent Authority, until the completion of the procedural path.
The procedural path, represented in the diagram below, fulfill the phases identified by Law, listed on the left of each step. At the various stages of the process, the diagram shows planning / programming activities (in gray) and evaluation activities (in blue). Evaluation activities must be considered as an integral part of planning / programming.

In developing Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) at international level, VDP ensures compliance with the rules and regulations of the countries, as well as with the procedures and standards defined and required by major Donors.

Offered services

VDP provides a methodological approach customized on the specific nature of the plan or program to be evaluated. It also ensures the coordination of evaluation and planning activities, the continuous support to the proposer, the assistance to the Proponent in the early stages of discussion with the Competent Authority.
VDP Srl has all the professionals that might become necessary in this kind of process such as:
• Territorial Planner
• Territorial Economist
• Biologist, Agronomist
• Landscape Designer
• Transport Expert
• Acoustic Expert

VDP has also available the tools and the know-how necessary to perform the process according to state of the art technologies, such as:
• Models of qualitative and quantitative analysis
• Traffic models
• Acoustic Models
• Cost Benefit Analysis.

In the European context the Environmental Strategic Assessment include the Implications Assessment if the plan or program may have a significant effect on a site or proposed site of Natura 2000 Network. In such contexts of intervention, VDP has all the technical and scientific skills necessary to address those aspects.