News / Archive 2017

  • 15 December 2017

    VDP in Tanzania
    VDP in Tanzania

    In November 2017 VDP Srl has organized, jointly with Spea Engineering as stretegic partner, a business trip to Tanzania, with the kind support of the Italian Embassy in Dar Es Salaam, to strenghten relationships with the major National Agencies in the Transport and Infrastructure Sector. The trip has also been the occasion to reinforce ties with local Engineering Companies acting as partner in the Country.

  • 26 September 2017

    Tavola Rotonda RemTech 2017 “Riflessioni sul nuovo Decreto Legislativo 104/2017 del Ministero dell’Ambiente sulla VIA”
    Tavola Rotonda RemTech 2017 “Riflessioni sul nuovo Decreto Legislativo 104/2017 del Ministero dell’Ambiente sulla VIA”

    L’Ing. Francesco Ventura, in qualità di Consigliere con delega per ambiente ed energie rinnovabili di OICE, ha organizzato e promosso la Tavola Rotonda “Riflessioni sul nuovo Decreto Legislativo 104/2017 del Ministero dell’Ambiente sulla VIA”. L’incontro si è tenuto lo scorso 21 settembre 2017 a Ferrara nell’ambito di RemTech 2017.

    Il Convegno, moderato da Antonio Cianciullo de “La Repubblica”, è stato introdotto dal Presidente OICE Gabriele Scicolone e da Francesco Ventura che ha introdotto le principali novità previste dal nuovo Decreto Legislativo 104/2017 sulla VIA, poi approfondite nel successivo intervento di Sonia Occhi della VDP.

    Nel Workshop si è tentato di inquadrare le numerose innovazioni portate dalla nuova Legge, alcune delle quali potrebbero incidere in maniera molto significativa sui procedimenti e sulla efficacia degli stessi ai fini della tutela ambientale. In questo contesto si sono succeduti gli interventi delle stazioni appaltanti invitate: Italferr (Antonello Martino), ANAS (Giovanni Magarò), Sogin (Elena Bunone, Alessia Rossi) e Terna (Raffaele Fiorentino).

    La seconda parte del Workshop ha proposto una serie di interventi da parte dei responsabili del settore ambientale di alcune delle società Associate OICE.

  • 19 July 2017


    On July 13th, VDP participated at the Italian Engineering and Architecture Day organized by Italian Trade Agency and OICE at the Italian Pavilion of EXPO 2017 in Astana - Kazakhstan.

    Mr. Ventura, acting as coordinator of Working Group OICE on Smart Cities, presented the recently published study about Smart Cities, which will soon be translated into Russian and English.

    The event also included spechees by the Italian Ambassador in Kazakhstan, the Italian Trade Agency, the Italian Ministry of the Environment and representatives of the Government and the world of Kazakhstan’s engineering industry.

    In the afternoon, B2B meetings were held between Italian companies participating in the mission and the local engineering companies with the aim to develop possible partnerships in the country.

    Here are some photos of the day and of the Expo.

  • 27 June 2017

    Eng. Ventura at G7 Transport Side Event in Cagliari
    Eng. Ventura at G7 Transport Side Event in Cagliari

    On June 20th, Eng. Francesco Ventura took part as speaker at the G7 Transport Side Event “Nice to meet you” in Cagliari.

    The event was attended by, among others, Mayor of Cagliari Zedda, President Piglliaru of Sardinia Region, Chief of Cabinet of Minister Del Rio, General Manager of MInistry of Transport, General Manager of ENAC, Managing Director of Invitalia and Italferr.

  • 07 June 2017

    New Project in Bulgaria
    New Project in Bulgaria

    On May 30th, in Sofia, together with Bulgarian partner P-United, VDP signed the first activation under the Framework Agreement that has been awarded to the JV a few months ago by the Road Infrastructure Agency of Bulgaria.
    The Framework Agreement will provide technical assistance for the development of Environmental Impact Assessment Studies and Appropriate Assessment Studies for road projects developed by the Agency.
    Some images of the meeting with the Client.

  • 08 May 2017

    IE EXPO 2017 Shanghai
    IE EXPO 2017 Shanghai

    VDP took part as exhibitor at Shanghai International Fair “IE EXPO 2017 - Asian Leading Trade Fair for Environmental Technology Solution: Water, Waste, Air and Soil” from 4th to 6th May. VDP stand has joined the Italian Pavilion, co-ordinated by the Italian Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and Sea in the framework of cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Environment.
    During the 3-days exhibition, VDP had numerous meetings with Chinese companies and institutions in the environmental field and with representatives of Italian Trade Agency and the Italian Consulate in Shanghai.

    At this LINK some photos.

  • 23 March 2017

    OICE Conference "Smart City: a possible future"
    OICE Conference

    During the event, organized on 23rd March in Rome, the volume “Smart City: a Tool for Smart Communities ” has been presented and distributed. The volume has been developed by the specific OICE Working Group coordinated by Mr. Francesco Ventura, VDP CEO.

  • 20 January 2017

    105 Energy Efficency Best Practices made in Italy
    105 Energy Efficency Best Practices made in Italy

    The Energy Efficiency improvement project for the highway company Strada dei Parchi S.p.A., developed by VDP, has been included in the book “105 Energy Efficiency best practices made in Italy”, edited by the Kyoto Club.

    The book (Edizioni Ambiente-Collana KyotoBooks) presents 105 real experiences related to energy efficiency improvements, successful in terms of quality, innovation and outputs obtained. The aim of the publication is to disseminate, support and replicate these initiatives, inspiring policy, legislation and financing at national level.

    Mr. Francesco Ventura, CEO of VDP, will participate at the national presentation of the Book, invited as OICE Board Member.
    The event will take place on 26th January 2017 from 2 to 5.30 pm at Spazio Europa, Via Quattro Novembre, 149 - 00187 Rome.

    The Program of the event is available at this link